Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tips for Getting Exercise Into Your Life

Tips for Getting Exercise Into Your Life

1. Get off a stop or 2 earlier during your bus or subway commute; walk the rest of the way. 
2. Purposefully park you car a little further from the mall or store. It may not seem like much, but over weeks and months, these minutes of exercise add up. 
3. Use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators whenever possible. 
4. Consider buying a piece of cardiovascular equipment for your home (e.g. treadmill, bike, elliptical machine). Home models can be more reasonable than you think and you can't beat the convenience. 
5. When you get busy, try to combine your cardiovascular exercise with something that you do already. Hop on that piece of home equipment while watching TV, reading the newspaper or returning phone calls. 
6. Make it fun! Try a new sport like tennis or rollerblading. The more that you enjoy exercise the more likely you are to stick to it. 
7. Make it social. Walk with a friend, your spouse, or your family in the morning or evening. 
8. Keep an exercise log. It will help to make you more accountable. 9. Take a walk for 20 minutes of your lunch hour. 10. Hire a personal trainer for a session or 2 to help you with your weight training and flexibility training.
Then you'll have the confidence to branch out on your own.
Time for an Average 150 lb Adult to Burn 150 Calories:
Intensity Activity METs* Duration in minutes Moderate Volleyball, noncompetitive 3.0 43 Moderate Walking, moderate pace (3 mph, 20 min/mile) 3.5 37 Moderate Walking, brisk pace (4 mph, 15 min/mile) 4.0 32 Moderate Table tennis 4.0 32 Moderate Raking leaves 4.5 32 Moderate Social dancing 4.5 29 Moderate Lawn mowing (powered push mower) 4.5 29 Hard Jogging (5 mph, 12 min/mile) 7.0 18 Hard Field hockey 8.0 16 Very hard Running (6 mph, 10 min/mile) 10.0 13
* MET indicates metabolic equivalent. One MET is the amount of energy used when sitting quietly. Source: Physical Activity and Health: A report of the Surgeon General (1) 
Harvard EDU - page no longer available

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