Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Aerobic Exercises for Lymphedema

Aerobic Exercises for Lymphedema

This is the first part in a three-part series covering exercises for patients affected by lymphedema. Part two will cover resistive exercises; part three will discuss decongestive and breathing exercises – so stay tuned.
Lymphedema patients can and should be active, and those who never exercised before should consider starting that daily walk, wim or spending twenty minutes on a stationary bicycle. The right type of physical activity helps to reduce the swelling by improving the flow of lymph, and presents a vital tool for patients to stay in shape and continue with normal activities of daily living.
So what is the right type of exercise for lymphedema?
Many patients ask if they can continue their pre-lymphedema activities, or if the should adjust, or replace them. The answer to that question really depends on the kind of activity. Tennis or golf for example does not rank very high on the list of beneficial activities for individuals with upper extremity lymphedema. For patients with lymphedema of the leg, kick-boxing and step-aerobics are activities that bear a great risk of injury and therefore should be avoided.
But the reality is that for some individuals exercise plays such a vital role in their daily routine, and is so engrained in their personality, that giving up these so called “high-risk activities” would have a serious impact on their well-being.
Complete Article:  Lymphedema Blog
Editor's Note:  I have spoken of this blog in many of my own sites and if you have not yet "toured" it, you are missing out on some top quality information for your lymphedema.  

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